07 January 2007

Move of cardinal

Over the Christmas holidays, Alan Hicks and I moved cardinal, a Slackware server which we share ownership with three other guys, to the Simple Communications facility here in Tuscaloosa. Simple Communications is the parent company of M3Server, a web/email/dedicated server hosting company which provides the actual network infrastructure for cardinal. In our short time there so far, the guys at SimpleCom/M3Server have been very supportive and easy to work with. They use, understand, and support open-source software, so if you're looking for dedicated server hosting with good rates and good support, I can *highly* recommend giving them a call. Be sure to tell them we sent you :)

EDIT!!! We are no longer hosted at simplecom/m3server, and we no longer recommend them at all.
We are now hosted at Cyberlink International, and we *do* recommend them.

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