02 March 2009

Xfce-4.6.0 for Slackware

Xfce 4.6.0 has released, and as expected, it's wonderful.
As usual, I've got a package for the latest stable release of Slackware - it's in the usual place.

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At 2/4/09 12:02 , Anonymous Lourens said...

I have just installed your XFCE 4.6 package and it works great. Thank you very much.

At 5/4/09 00:55 , Anonymous Robby Workman said...

Thanks; good to hear!

At 19/5/09 11:21 , Anonymous quotaholic said...

Thank you very much for making this available. I had problems with the slackware.it xfce packages but yours were seamless.

At 25/6/24 04:57 , Anonymous Dana said...

Thanks for a great rread


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